Vivekanada Vichar Munch
National Seminar on National Security of India
Major Themes:
1. Cross Border Treats/External Security
2. Internal security
3. Relationship and Strategic Relationship of India with Neighbouring Countries and US
VeNUE:GIA Hall, Opposite sector-14, Mahroli Road Gurgaon DAY and DATE: Sunday, August, 3rd, 2008
Recently in Gurgaon on 3rd August 08 a Seminar on Internal and External Security was organized by Vivekananda Vichar Manch. It was held for the whole day from 9-30 A.M to 5 P.M. First session was chaired by FormerAir Chief Marshal SK Kaul and Sh Prem Sablok former CGDA and RK Ohri Former IGP Arunachal were keynote Speakers. Second Session was Chaired by Shri kanwal Sibal Former Foreign Secretary and Vikaram Sood former Chief RAW and Bharat Karnad Prof National Security CPR were the keynote Speakers. Third Session Chaired by Shri JP Sharma Former Add Secretary Cabinet, and PC Dogra Former DGP Punjab and Shri Indresh Kumar member Central Body RSS were the keynote Speakers
Some of the following important facts emerged from the speeches of a number of speakers and questions/answers from the audience (Part A). The History of Terrorism in India was also brought out and it is briefly explained in (Part B). A few Solutions suggested/proposed are in (Part C).”
Part A.
Our internal and external security need to be strengthened based on the following facts brought out by a number of speakers.
The security threats were examined from (a) groups of religious fanatics SIMI etc (b) ethnics groups like Ulfa, (c) left wing extension like Naxalites, (d) Communists for forcible taking away lands and (e) insensitive Police (Mumbai case where by taking bribe of lakhs of rupees truckload of ammunition was allowed which killed about 300 people within a couple of days).
The main points emerged during the Seminar are the following.
1. Islam is a long distance fastest runner from almost zero population about 14 hundred years ago to over 1.8 billions today- the highest number of all other religions in the world. Shrinkage and retreat of the followers of eternal religion (Sanatan Dharma)/ Hindus is distressing.
2. Islam is aiming at breaking India into SIX states with the firm belief that India is not a Nation but a loose Confederation of small Nations having different culture, traditions, food habits etc. Islam is aware that since 1857, Burma, Lanka, most parts of Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan (later Bangladesh), Maldive, Bhutan, Azad Kashmir and some parts going to China were taken away from India; the majority religion could do nothing. India of today is less than half of the area of India of 1857.
3. India has lost all opportunities even after winning wars with Pakistan, mainly under pressure from earlier USSR and later from USA.
4. USA has made its policy clear to the world that it has six percent (6%) of world population and about 50% of wealth. This ratio has to be maintained in future to remain a Super Power of the world. USA would never allow India to become a Super Power.
5. USA has about 1000 military basis in the world both declared and undeclared including a few basis in Pakistan. Their actual figures are highly top secret.
6. USA wants India as major commercial and consumable market but not Nuclear Power. It wants India at best a balancing power to growing threat from China, which is fast becoming a super power. Nuclear Deal would restrict India from becoming nuclear power.
7. Confrontation between India and China can not be avoided in the near future as oil requirement (for energy, transport and all other requirement) for India and China can not be met by 2020. Also China is far more ambitious owing to single party governance than India with multiparty disjointed governance.
8. Pakistan is virtually a proxy of China, Saudi Arabia and USA. China has provided nuclear technology to Pakistan. Even USA could not stop it.
9. World energy requirement is going up by 2 % a year and production is falling by 3.5 % a year. India is perceived as a Week and Soft state. It is going to suffer in this regard in spite of our nuclear Deal.
10. Ethnic cleansing of Hindus is being regularly done in a mass scale in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Assam and part of West Bengal. Our Central/State Governments have done nothing in this regard.
11. Threat posed by the activities of several ISI sponsored non-State actors like Lashkar-e Tayeba, Jaish-e Mohammad, Al Qaeda, Harkat-ul Jihad-e Islami to India’s internal security. These threats have substantially increased in recent years and given a fillip to jihad against India..
12. Threat caused by the likely outbreak of war in the Middle East between Israel and a nuclear-powered Iran can have a major bearing on the internal security perspective of India, especially in view of the recent nuclear agreement between India and he USA . One has only to recall the massive mobilization of Muslim mobsters witnessed during the visit of the U.S. President, George Bush, to India in March, 2006, when violent demonstrations broke out in several cities.
13. Threat of outbreak of hostilities with Pakistan due to latter’s traditional hostility and a sudden attempt to yank away the State of Jammu and Kashmir by large scale infiltration of Jihadis and launching of increased terror attacks in Kashmir and several States across the entire country.
14. The likely support to Pakistan by China in the event of an all out war, including the possibility of a nuclear confrontation.
15. . In and around India we have not very friendly countries like Pakistan, China, Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and now Maoist Nepal. Within India movements for secession in North East and Panjab are getting stronger. Naxlites are spreading fast from Andhra Pradesh to Nepal border; Terrorist fanatic religious groups are multiplying every day in J and K, many states of India. Close by in Pakistan ISI and Army is out of administrative control of their civilian democratic government. They need more help from Taliban’s and al-Qaida and not from their civilian government.
16. We had dialogues, made concessions but nothing is working with Pakistan. We have nothing against Pakistan they have every thing against us. Prime Minister Bajpai went there; nothing happened owing to some deep seated problem. Pakistan has now become an Epicenter of Terrorism in the name of Jihad (just war) with the help of Mujahdeens (freedom fighters).
17. Their five times a day Namaz is a reminder to act and establish Allah rule. There are three fundamental postulates to create Islamic rule in the world. 1. Millets Kufar, 2.Darul Islam and Dar-ul-Harb. 3. Jihad. For religious fanatics there are only two groups in the world (a) Muslim camps and (b) Kafir camps. So go on fighting till Rule of Allah is established.
18. Any action against Muslim terrorists is taken as issue of harassment to Muslims and becomes an issue of Human Rights Violation in many states of the world.
19. Many terrorist groups are grave threat to India but SIMI is the greatest threat. Mulyam Singh Yadav- the former Chief Minister gave a clean chit to SIMI. Lately even some lower courts are giving clean chit to SIMI as luke- warm cases are made against this group by government owing to vote bank politics. Police, CBI and other Security agencies are getting frustrated as all their efforts are going waste to ban SIMI and other terrorist groups. Indian Police do not go to Muslim Ghettos where terrorists live/hide. If Police goes there it is harassment to Muslims.
20. Muslims in India and in other parts of the world are aware that International Community will not allow India to go for a large scale War. So Pakistan continues to harass India finding it a perfectly helpless soft and non-functional state with dirty mafia politics and rusted steel frame of insensitive bureaucracy.
21. In the last four year alone 3017 bombs planted (including those exploded/not exploded) by Muslim, Naxlites and other terrorist like ULFA etc killing about 27000 people. Only enquiries/investigations are held and nothing beyond. The attack on Indian Parliament and the inaction thereafter was also brought out. Still government is not prepared to call it a Proxy War.
22. Terrorists are keenly awaiting the triggering of large scale communal clashes in India as they are well oiled machinery with a fixed mind set. Clear signals of their capacity “of hitting any target, any where, whenever they like’ are emerging
23. Latest worrying news is that even Supreme Court told on 5th August 08 that even God can not help India. The Government of India has become non functional and is run by clerks.
24. A large number of other major and minor facts were brought out in the Seminar by the learned speakers Ex-Air Chief Marshal, former Foreign Secretary, Defence Ministry officials, Former Chief RAW, former DG and IG Police, Professor national security studies, RSS experts on Security and many others.
Part B (Brief History of Terrosrism)
Terrorism in India by Avarnas/Rakshasas/Vritras was traced back to Vedic period, Ramayan and Mahabharta and strengthening of security system in prescribed in Vedas was briefly referred to. Plato based on discussions with Vedic Rsis/Munnies later added in his political and metaphysical philosophy. He was clear that only yeomanry Middle and Intellectual could help in providing perfect security and good governance. Oligarchy can lead to committing forced suicides by intellectuals/wise people like Socrates. Poor and Rich Classes can not contribute to good and effective governance. Kautilya devised and implemented a near perfect security system in his Artha Shastra.
Till about 1200 years ago Jnan marga (path of knowledge) and Karma marga (path of self action) were widely prevalent in India. With the entry of Muslim rule Bhakti marga (path of devotion) became popular and made India a weak and soft state consisting of many smaller and inimical princely sates.
Killing of lakhs of Hindus by Timur the terrorist, Mahmood Ghazni, Mohd Ghori, Akbar, Aurangzeb and others was brought out. As a permanent slur reference to Koh Hindu Kush (Mountain where lakhs of Hindu men, women and children were killed) was also given. Only a few great Hindus like Shiva ji, Guru Gobind Singh, Hari Singh Nalwa could resist successfully terrorism against Hindus.
After the British left India, terrorism in Kashmir continues. Operation Blue Star is still haunting the people of India. Ethnic cleansing forced about 5 lakhs Kashmiris to leave their permanent houses in Independent India and Govt. of India could do nothing. Lately about 100 acres land allotted by the Cabinet, Chief Minister/Governor of J and K for temporary sheds for pilgrims to Amarnath temple was cancelled due to terrorists organizations pressure and Saudi Arabia funding.
Part C (Solution)
The following a few suggestions were given by the speakers.
Recently Dr Peter Hammond in his book Slavery, terrorism and Islam- Historical Roots and Contemporary Threats has pointed out that Islam (meaning Peace) is only peaceful in states where its population is less than 2%. In all other states of the world where its population is over 2% up to 100% is not at all peaceful. Its terrorist activities also depend on its percentage of population and kind of governance. Since India is a soft state, government is non functional, Muslims would tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint, getting concessions and applying Sharia Laws over the state Laws. India can expect hair-trigger rioting in the near future.
Clearly the prevailing social, political, economic and religious conditions are prone to security threats from within and outside.
We are losing the perspective, ”Why do we need State?”
Certainly we do not need state to dabble in civic amenities, infrastructure and contracts relating to these. This is the job of effective and vibrant local governments not elected on political lines through their CEOs appointed on hire and fire basis. We do not need state to distribute ever leaking self serving subsidies to BPL, farmers and others and finally reaching Swiss banks, bureaucrats, Middlemen and political leaders. There is Only One main purpose Security and Protection of the people of the State. All other purposes are secondary and tertiary. The message is very clear. To achieve this following are some of the suggestions.
1. Societies in the West are better, more secure not because their human nature is different but because they have better governing institutions. They believe in Sun Set clauses and they go on updating their laws, rules and regulations. We are continuing with obsolete laws/Acts of 1860/61 and making bureaucracy, police force RWAs/local governments and even Security forces as week and ineffective.
2. Who is effectively looking after our security no one knows government, state, nation, political parties or people themselves no one knows.
3. Latest DANGEROUS trend as many news papers have brought out religious distrust has started in Police in Maharshtra.Mafias are protecting small and big business/banks etc and perception is spreading even policemen need their help. Our Cinema is showing this in almost every picture.
It is high time all political parties should come on the common platform and declare openly WAR against terrorism.
4. Let the government face boldly even if it involves a war and scrap Art 370 rather than facing disgrace. It does not need 2/3rd majority like amendments etc.
5. Let Central Government have a few functional departments and others only as providing guidelines. So, immediate decentralization and movement towards freedom, swaraj bottom up democracy should start without any further delay. We never asked for independence alone which was only a prelude to freedom and self rule.
6. Independent countries without freedom to people and swaraj (self rule) are prone to disintegration like erstwhile USSR, military rule like Burma, Pakistan/Bangladesh, dictatorship like Iraq and fanatic religious states.
7. Department of National Security should be an independent ministry directly under the Prime Ministr.
8. Revamp bureaucracy abolish jobs like DC, Tehsildar, Patwaris etc and strengthen local governments, abolish IAS, State Civil Services and have all senior jobs on three years contract and insulate them from political bosses so that they could give their advices freely and openly. Let political bosses over rule them in writing and not verbally.
9. There is need to stop that spiritualism which tells God will come to rescue us so blind worship to continue. No such miracle is going to happen God help those who help themselves and assist Him in the maintenance of His wondrous Grand Design.
10. Adopt latest security models like neighbour hood watch, install CCTV cameras at vulnerable places, control cyber cafes wild unlicensed growth. Make anti terrorist Laws more stringent but effective. Introduce Sun Set clauses by taking ten to fifteen years as guide lines.
11. Let us not forget those born in India have to stay so develop healthy Community Life. Let religion remain a private affair. Religious bashing must stop.
12. India was a moral beacon to the entire world now a cesspool of corruption. Our spiritualism is now misdirected. Spiritual movement towards Jana and karma marga should start in a big way. All our gods/Iswaras carry weapons for destroying evil minded people. Develop nonviolence of the strong concept. Week people have to be non violent. As we have left following Vedas directly revealed by God as Shrutis, Divine Guidance is withdrawn. Follow teachings/guidelines given in Vedas and pray fro Divine Guidance.
13. Above all allot 5 to 6 % of GDP for Defence Services along with necessary material benefits, purchase of hard and soft ware. This in itself will be a signal for all terrorists to behave or get destroyed.
After sixty years of our independence we have the worst image of Govt. today. Soft, Corrupt, Pedigree rule, dejure and defacto PMs are different, it survives with the help of tainted MPs. There is not a single positive image.
Unless we move towards opening our eyes in the heaven of freedom, self rule (swaraj), these threats would continue. Attaining righteous state (Ramarajya) is very distant dream. Six decades of deep slumber should be enough. There is need to wake up
Let us accept the fact " IT is Now or Never".
Erudite audience of the seminar grace the occasion. Sh BR Lall Former DGP Haryana, Dr. Sudha Yadav Former MP Gurgaon, Prof Mehander Pratap, Dr. GS Kainth Former Prof IIT Kanpur, Dr. S. Rammohan Add Secretary GOI, GBS Sidhu (IPS Rtd), Col Tayagi, Col Pratap Singh, Col. RS Kaushal, Col Rattan Singh, Prof Bhudev Sharma Former President HUA Orlendo and Prof Clarks Atlanta University USA, Capt Sachin Gupta (Piolet), Swami Sachitananda Saraswati, Ramesh Aggarwal (CEO), Kishore Asthana(CEO), Major Sandal, Majar Deendayal(Sangchalak RSS Gurgaon), Pawan Jindal (Sah Prant SanghChalak RSS Haryana, CMD Jindal Mechtechno), Rajpal Wasan (Nagar Sanghchalak RSS, Sr. Consultant DCM), and Many Engineers, doctors, and Professors were present there.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
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